LfE Conference 2024: Call for Abstract Submissions

Call for Abstracts Submission


In the framework of the Learning from the Extremes project, the Institute of Educational Policy, as the Coordinator of the Project, is co-organizing with Ellinogermaniki Agogi and Science View, the international conference entitled: “Learning…from the Extremes!”

The conference is going to take place in Athens, on January 19 and 20, 2024, at the premises of the Ellinogermaniki Agogi, in Pallini, Attica (see here).

The call for abstracts is addressed to educators, scientists, researchers and policy makers who are interested in presenting innovative perspectives on education as well as practices taking place in various educational settings, answering the following questions / themes of the conference:

How can school units be transformed into incubators and accelerators of innovation by strengthening collaboration between schools and local communities?

How can the abundance of digital technologies and applications available support the improvement the educational process? What are the best practices for this?

How can teachers acquire the right digital skills?

How can the Open School culture be developed?

What are and how can digital policies in school education be enriched?

How can Self-Reflection Tools support innovation and systemic change in schools?


Those interested can submit Abstracts of Papers until November 26, 2023.

You can see the submission process here: https://learningfromtheextremes.eu/abstract-submissions/.

Attendance at the conference is free and registration is required.

You can register here: https://learningfromtheextremes.eu/lfe-international-conference-registration/.

The conference will also be broadcast live via the internet (livestreaming).

The language of the conference is English and the participants will be given a certificate of participation.

For more information you can see the conference page: https://learningfromtheextremes.eu/international-conference/.


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