Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) was established in 2011 under Public Law 3966 (Government Gazette Α’ 118/24-05-2011). It is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. IEP operates for the benefit of public interest as an executive scientific body that supports the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on issues related to primary and secondary education as well as the transition from secondary to higher education. IEP is also responsible for the in-service teacher training, the formal curriculum development, the educational material as well as the assessment tools used at national level. IEP’s primary mission is the scientific research and study of issues related to all levels of education, the contribution to the design and implementation of educational policy issues and the implementation of co-funded projects. IEP is currently leading the educational reform effort in Greece towards new curricula for all subjects and school levels (included VET).

According to Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette A’ 254/21-12-2020), the Institute includes four Scientific Departments:

  • Department A: Educational Innovation and Inclusive Education
  • Department B: School Curricula and Educational material
  • Department C: In-service training & Evaluation, European and International Educational Policy.
  • Department D: Strategy & Policy Planning

Moreover, a devoted Department, the Department of Projects and Actions is responsible for coordinating IEP participation, either as project coordinator or partner, in both Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 and EU co-funded programmes (Erasmus+ etc).

IEP has extensive experienced in supporting the educational community by teacher training programs, innovative training and teaching materials as well as Policy Proposals. Moreover, inclusion has been one of the main goals that IEP is promoting by implementing Projects and Actions regarding refugee and Roma pupils’ educational integration.

Also, IEP has a Special Observatory of School Dropout, aiming at providing data on early school leaving and tracing risk factors for school dropout, especially for disadvantage learners. Finally, IEP department of IT and computer networks has significant experience in the use of online platforms and data bases.

Overall, IEP has the potential to transform project activities into mainstream practice since its scope centers on the provision of continuous professional development programs for teachers at all levels of education and on the improvement of educational provisions for all students. IEP elaborates the results of its projects to develop Policy Proposals and transform the mainstream classroom practice at national level. Therefore, IEP serves as the main mediator between schools, research and academic institutions and the Greek MoE.

IEP will coordinate the project (WP1) and the development of its key outcome, the Rural Schools Innovation Roadmap (WP8). IEP has great interest to support rural schools in their transformation journey as Greece has numerous schools located in remote areas and their overall development it’s a crucial aspect of the Educational Policy of the country. The specific preparatory action could support and inform with innovative practices the current policy of the Greek State. IEP will act as National Coordinator of the rural school community in Greece and will sign bilateral agreements with the projects that will receive funding through the call for proposals (to be involved in WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7).