The consortium will make all necessary preparatory work towards publication of the open call of proposals for projects that will increase the e-maturity of rural schools by providing them with access to digital content and tools. The process will be facilitated by a platform that will be used for the submission and the evaluation of the proposals. This task includes all the preparatory work, namely the preparation of the F6S platform to accommodate the call for proposals, their submission and their evaluation, terms for participation, description of the activities to be funded, funding scheme and payments, contractual procedures and evaluation methods.
Learning from the Extremes will involve more than 100 rural schools from 10 European countries (Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Croatia, Ireland, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain).
In the 1st phase of the project a call for proposals will be published (within May 2022) in order for schools from the participating countries to submit their proposals and get support. The call for proposals will remain open for 4 months to offer the opportunity to educational authorities and schools to prepare their proposals. The funding will be between 10 to 20kEuros and the duration of the selected projects will be up to 12 months.