Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET is a public institution operating within the Ministry of Science and Education in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) and its application in education with the aim of innovating the education system and encouraging the progress of individuals and the society as a whole through ICT. Following the latest trends in ICT, infrastructure and education over the years, we have devised a number of projects and developed new services with the intent of building a digitally mature education system as well as society. CARNET provides a wide range of services from computer security, internet services, tools and services for communication and collaboration, digital education enablers as well as traning and consulting. Focus on users is a core motivation for more than 180 employees in six cities – Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek, Split, Pula and Dubrovnik – who, with their knowledge and experience, improve the daily operation of the institution.  We provide user support for the systems of the Ministry of Science and Education – e-Matica and the National Information System for Applications and Enrollments into Secondary Schools.  For accessing e-Citizens system we have developed e-Citizens mToken credential. Our most popular service is e-Class Register – a web application for the management of the class register in electronic form, which is used by almost all primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia.

CARNET will coordinate Pilots Implementation and Training (WP6) and will act as National Coordinator of the rural school community in Croatia and will sign bilateral agreements with the projects that will receive funding through the call for proposals (to be involved in WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7).